Corporate. Sponsorships.
Corporate sponsors make it possible for families, school children, and researchers to benefit from Atlanta History Center’s year-round interactive exhibitions and programming. With your support, the Atlanta History Center will continue to reach thousands of visitors and program attendees through events, exhibitions, or public programs.
For more information, please contact Erin O’Leary, Vice President of Development at Erin.Oleary@atlantahistorycenter.com or 404.814.4056.
Planned. Giving.
Interested in leaving a legacy with planned giving?
Visit here to learn more.
Endowment. Information.
Learn more about our endowment.
For more information, please contact Peter Finnerty at PFinnerty@atlantahistorycenter.com or 404.814.4102.
Matching. Gifts.
You may be able to double your donation to the Atlanta History Center. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs to match charitable contributions made by their employees. Gifts from retirees and spouses may also qualify for a match. To find out if your company has a matching gift program, click here. Matching gifts account for nearly $30,000 each year in significant additional support for Atlanta History Center.
Gifts of Stock.
Gifts of appreciated securities, such as stocks and mutual funds, are excellent ways to support Atlanta History Center. Such gifts are simple and may provide a greater tax benefit than an equivalent gift in cash. For more information, please contact our offices at 404.814.4100.
The majority of stock gifts are made through a simple electronic transfer. Your broker may transfer securities to the following account held by the Atlanta History Center:
FFC Truist Bank a/c 11188
DTC Number: 2039
Account Name: Atlanta Historical Society
Account Number: 7942069
Contact: Brenda Marshall, Brenda.marshall@truist.com
Please have your broker specify that the transfer is to be a charitable contribution to the Atlanta Historical Society, Inc. (or Atlanta History Center), Federal Tax ID # 58-0566162. Your instructions should include the issuer of the stock, the name of the stock, either the number of shares or the estimated gift value, and the intended gift purpose (Membership, Swan House Ball, Capital Campaign, etc.).
In order to ensure proper crediting and acknowledgement of your gift, please call and/or send a copy of your instructions to:
Atlanta History Center Development Office
130 West Paces Ferry Road
Atlanta, GA 30305
Ariana Yandell, Membership and Donor Services Manager
Phone: 404.814.4101
Fax: 404.814.2041
Email: ayandell@atlantahistorycenter.com
Donate. FAQ.
All donations start with you reaching out through our Contact us portal.
Please explain what you would like to donate, the history of the items, and their connection to Atlanta. Information about the owner and when or how they were made or acquired is also helpful. An Atlanta History Center (AHC) team member will follow up with a request for photos and additional information. Materials will be assessed at the monthly Collections Development Committee meeting and all donors will be notified of the committee’s decision.
Atlanta History Center works to connect people, history, and culture. To achieve that, we collect and document the lives of people in and around Atlanta, including all aspects of daily life. Materials that we collect vary from archival material like journals, letters, documents, photos, film, and video to museum and living collections like textiles, locally made items, business signs, local varieties of plants, and animals. Our priority is to collect items that help us tell a story about Atlanta and its environs. Details are important as the Collections Development Committee uses them to determine if the item will fit in our collection.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept everything submitted. The Collections Development Committee is tasked with carefully assessing offered items to ensure that our collections help tell the history of Atlanta while also being the best steward of our limited resources.
Constant display of a single item is often detrimental to the long-term preservation of an item, so even if your item is put on display, it will likely be for a limited time. At any given time we have about 5% of our collections on display. The remaining items are carefully catalogued and stored in a temperature and humidity-controlled environment and are made available to researchers, loaned to other museums when appropriate, and are assessed for future exhibit use.
You don’t need to do anything to prepare museum items! We want them in their current condition. With archival items, please do not add your own comments on the original documents. Instead, tell us any extra information or comments you might have about names, locations, etc.
Whenever possible, we like to collect items in groups. As an example, if you have a quilt made by your grandmother, a photo of her, biographical information, and even perhaps part of her sewing kit that would tell a much more complete story than just one of these items.
Documents, photographs, and published materials will be available in the Kenan Research Center Reading Room in McElreath Hall during regular hours. Requests to see museum objects should be made to the collections manager at collections@atlantahistorycenter.com and require at least four weeks of advance notice.
Atlanta History Center is a 501(c)3 organization, so all donations or gifts-in-kind are tax deductible. The donor is responsible for determining and documenting the value of a donation. AHC staff cannot appraise materials, but can provide a list of certified appraisers.
Materials are not accepted on long term loan, nor can agreements be made to return deeded materials to heirs. Occasionally, short term loans for specific exhibits are accepted. The Deed of Gift, signed by every donor, gives Atlanta History Center ownership of the materials. AHC accepts responsibility for preserving each donation for generations to come.
Yes. Please contact our collections manager at 404-814-2068 and let them know of the planned bequest along with as much information as possible about the items you wish to donate. Please explain what the items are, their significance to local history, who used them, and when and where they were used. Make sure it is clear in your will that you have bequeathed the material to AHC.
Please note, bequests must meet collections requirements at the time of their donation.
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Programs & Events
Swan House Ball brings together Atlanta’s business, community and social leaders to experience an evening of elegance and fun at the Atlanta History Center.