There is Work Yet To Be Done: Remembering Three Civil Rights Icons

Students march down Auburn Avenue commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 47th birthday, January 15, 1976.

Students march down Auburn Avenue commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 47th birthday, January 15, 1976.

The deaths of Atlanta’s own Constance “Connie” Curry, Congressman John Lewis, and Reverend C.T. Vivian signal the ongoing passage of responsibility to those of us who are making history today. The legacies of these three key figures of the Civil Rights Movement live on in the works of contemporary Atlantans.

In order to map the profound and wide-reaching impact of Curry, Lewis, and Vivian, we reached out to some of our city’s modern-day history makers to ask how these legacies influence their work, thinking, and personal philosophies. “Every generation leaves behind a legacy,” wrote John Lewis. “What that legacy will be is determined by the people of that generation. What legacy do you want to leave behind?”

This living document serves to share stories from artists, writers, educators, and other members of the community impacted by the teachings of Curry, Lewis, and Vivian. We invite you to revisit it often as more stories will be added in the coming weeks.

If you’d like to share your memories of Connie Curry, John Lewis, or C.T. Vivian, we invite you to do so using this form. Your responses, along with those included in this story, will be submitted to our Atlanta Corona Collective, an initiative that illustrates how people are experiencing and responding to all aspects of life in Atlanta during the COVID-19 crisis.